Three essentials for writers!



You need to be very, very VEEEEERY nosy!!!

It’s a great way to get ideas, and keeping curious about everything by listening, looking and asking ‘why, why, why’ will keep your writer senses tingling. You might overhear something on the bus that forms the basis or a brand new story, as I once did, so keep those ears waggling!!!

You need CHOCOLATE!!!

Every writer needs a reward when they have finished slaving over a hot chapter, or a cheer up choc fest when they hear they haven’t won that story comp or are super-stuck on a tricky plot point. A fridge full of chocolate is as vital to a writer as a pot full of pens!!!

So there you go! Fill that fridge, get earwigging into other people’s convos and don’t forget to write down your ideas when they come, they could be your next big story!


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